Wednesday, November 29, 2006


This blog is dedicated to all those Sirivennela SitaramSastry fans reading this. The following video has Mr.SSS himself describing the origin of "Jagamantha Kutumbam" song in Chakram. The most interesting fact is that, this movie is taken in order to incorporate the song and not the other way round. Mr.SSS has another incident like this to his credit, which is RGV's movie "Gayam" taken to incorporate one of the songs he has penned. This video critically explains why he has written this song and explains the intricacies and situations that led him to write this one. This is one of the most brilliant efforts by Mr.SSS. Hey, by the way, the interviewer is none other than another famous lyricist, supposed to be his favourite disciple, Mr.Chandra Bose
Njoy and Have fun...

The Link to Video...

Friday, November 24, 2006


The much awaited site for Eragon, the first part of the Trilogy of Inheritance, is up finally. Click Here to see it for yourself. For those unaware, this movie is based on the novel, "Eragon", written by Christopher Paolini, a budding author(of age around 20s). Though the novel came to an abrupt end and i didn't like much what it offered, I still am pretty much looking forward to the release of this movie. If you want the real experience in watching it, I would suggest you to read the book before you watch the movie! :)

Njoy maadi...