Any little extra effort they put up to get a better life, more money, better life style is all in a bid to ensure that, that beautiful girl picks him ahead of others. Come to think of it, Chiranjeevi mentioned in one of his party meetings that, handloom industry is suffering from lack of interest from the youth and one of the reasons Youth's disinterest towards handloom industry is because, they are not getting married. At the end of the day, every one wants to get married and everyone wants to come home and relax in the lap of their wonderful wife! Nowadays, everyone wants to be a software engineer (that's the main reason I became a software engineer ;)) and earn the respect of girls' parents and in turn girls'. Oh my God, I am just one of them! Even my attempts to get that better life can inturn be applied to having that wonderful sex with a beautiful girl!
courtesy: pnv srikanth, Joker in the Pack novel, Sathipandu. :)