Tuesday, August 1, 2006

The Fountain Head

Do you know what is the most difficult question to answer? To answer to our own self whether we are in love or the relationship is just a sweet friendship. There, always, lies a small and thin line between these two eternal relationships. I always tried to understand what is the difference between these two. But, I never was able to give myself a satisfactory answer. And I never can! But I understood one thing that, in this world, there is no such thing as unconditional Love! That doesn't exist! Love... This feeling arises only if the other person is of the other gender and ofcourse extremely beautiful(handsome). You never love the beauty that exists with the soul. We always fail to notice that beauty and crave for fleshy things. How big fools we are.
Attraction plays the major role in this current world. I always tend to consider myself as a person out of all these. I consider myself as some noble person and a true human being. Alas, I am one of the second hand men, that Ayn Rand has described. I work not for myself. But for some body else. I dress to impress others. I live for somebody else. I chose my career to suit somebody else. I act to be called a nice boy. I do nothing for myself. I am one of the second hand men. This is how I feel since I read Fountain Head. So, I advice you to read it but not to worry about it. Because, we call it is not practical to live like that. Please note, I said we call it. Ofcourse, it is absolutely difficult to avoid everyone else and live for one self. To protect ones self and ones soul. I ask myself to forget the fact that, so far I was just yet another second hand man to live in this world and follow what is being offered to us by the people who Lived. From now, I want to LIVE. Yes, I will Live from now onwards.

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