Friday, September 22, 2006

My GRE Experience

Things do happen in a way you least imagine them to! This is absolutely true in case of GRE :(
{I am becoming too good in these One liners.. ;)} the time I reached the prometric center at 3:45 pm, I cud hardly find anybody outside the test center. I waited for 5 mins and was watching the out comers face feelings and am trying to decipher how well or how bad their test might have gone! Buuuhh.. Some one from no where came to me and said Hi...I was was my friend..TRG{}!
We were pretty happy to see each other and were chit chatting about all the funny things we did during our BITSian years! By then it was 4 pm and chowki{This name reminds me of Great BITSian Days... :(} called us inside.. The prometric guy verified my Confirmation mail ka print out and let me in. The receptionist gave me some forms to fill in and then showed me the cup board where I am suposed to keep all my belongings including my PEN!{How crazy can they go?}After that I was allowed inside a room which is both video and audio taped! They checked for my Passport and asked to verify my details that are present on the screen! After I confirmed it, they took my Snap I was let go into the actual test area!{I was really cool in the snap! but they refused to gimme that! :(} I started off with taking tutorials on how to use your mouse and how to choose the answers! Then I have started giving my own TEST...
I was given two assays..and I chose... {People always assume that the problems they face rae more challenging and complex than their predecessors...}I started writing every BS I thot I can write and finished it in time. Next was the argument...I was given some topic which I cud make neither its head not its tail! U cud have guessed by now how well I woud have critiqued it! Then I took the break and went to loo...There I met again my old frend TRG and he was like My assay didnt go well man,... But he did his critique well!{We are definitely Poles apart}Then it was a random choice between Quant and Verbal...and to my bad lulck I got Quant...
The Questions in quant are far tougher by any means when compared to the tests so far I have taken! After that came my nightmarish part VERBAL...:( First one is OK..i knew it, so I felt confident of getting a good score...then started trouble!{One Question OK! Then startes Struggle.. ;)} First 10 questions I dint get the passage. then I realised something somewhere went wrong! Then came the first passage...75 lines long. What did I do?? Jus scrolled down and started going thru the question!{Sorry! i can;t write anymore! I dont want to recall those night marish verbal section again n again}All I can say is it was pathetic enough for me...
The last section! The one We all look forward to... {Scores... ;)}
Quantitative : 800
Verbal : 470

else can I do? I jus came out with a disappointed face and searching for my TRG! But i cud see him nowhere.. the log out time reported that he went 15 mins before and I didnt know how much he got! He is a one range he must have got somewhere around 1450.. {Where ever u go..Whatever u do we can't stop D*** others... ;)}Then I called up my frenz and told them my score..
Thatz how my GRE day lasted...


Anonymous said...

1270 is good score dude :)

Search Engine Test said...

even i hope so ;)